Because we offer person-centred care we have just a few fixed points in the day – mealtimes, activities and medication – with the rest of the time free to live as you choose. This is the case for all our residents but, if you have dementia, you are less likely to wish (or be able) to follow a routine. This is what a typical day might look like for you.

Waking and getting ready for the day

Some residents like to be up early while others like to sleep in. When you wake up, we will ask you if you would like something to eat or drink, and then support you to get washed and dressed.


We work hard to ensure that our residents with dementia get the right nutritional balance, offering plenty of choice. We also provide modified and puréed versions of our meals for those who have difficulty in swallowing, supplementing meals with nutritious snacks throughout the day.

Morning at your leisure

We encourage everyone to take part in activities and guide you to whichever activity you like, supporting you with this either in the communal areas or in your own room. Our housekeeping team cleans and tidies your room/ensuite facilities.


This is normally the main meal of the day. You can eat in our dining room or your own room if you prefer. If you struggle to eat or handle a knife and fork we will support you.

Afternoon fun and entertainment

You can join us for whatever the activities team has organised for that afternoon’s activity, chat with visitors or relax quietly in your room.


This could be a light snack of soup and sandwiches or a hot food option, followed by a dessert, such as fruit or yoghurt.

Evening relaxation

After supper many residents relax with a book, watch TV or chat with family via phone or video link. Later you will be supported to get undressed, washed and ready for bed. We also come round with hot or cold drinks and a bedtime snack.


Our residents are generally tired after a busy day and look forward to a refreshing sleep. Some of our residents with dementia may be more active at night and so wake up later in the morning.